Archiv der Kategorie: Niviuk Artik 5





Es ist Zeit die Grenzen zu verschieben

Wenn Ehrgeiz und Leidenschaft aufeinander treffen, entsteht Exzellenz. Der berühmte Niviuk Streckenflügel wird in einem Gleitschirm, der die höchste Leistung mit maximaler Zugänglichkeit hat, neu erfunden. Er ist bereit, dich auf all deinen Streckenflügen über deine Vorstellungskraft hinaus zu fliegen.

Cross Country




 Aktuelle Limits durchbrechen

Die neueste Technologie kombiniert mit innovativem Design machen deine Flüge zu unvergesslichen Abenteuern, dank einer noch nie da gewesenen EN-C Performance. Endlos erscheinende Flüge mit einem Schirm, der Cross-Country Standards revolutioniert.

 Neuerfundenes Gefühl des Fliegens

Sei überwältigt von dem neuen Design, maßgeschneidert auf deine Bedürfnisse. Er ist dynamisch und hat ein intuitives Handling, der Artik 5 ist der Beste seiner Kategorie und bringt dich weiter als je zuvor.

 Jeden Kilometer genießen

Stabilität ist dein bester Begleiter auf deinen Höhenflügen. Dank unvergleichlicher Dämpfung und direktem Handling in der Luft, bleibt der Schirm sowohl in Turbulenzen, als auch im beschleunigten Flug stabil.

Time to raise the bar ▼

Just when you thought that nothing could surprise you any more, discover a whole new world of possibilities. The Artik 5 will revolutionise cross-country flying, by perfectly combining excellent performance and comfort, well above all current standards. Our search for perfection in each facet of flight resulted in a powerful wing which is hungry for adventure. It was created to rediscover the pleasure of flying and take your passion to new heights.

From the first minute, the wing’s incredible inflation and immediate load-bearing guarantees a smooth take off. Once in flight, you will be delighted with the accessibility of a wing that understands your needs perfectly. With DRS technology, the integrated ribs flatten the surface and distribute the pressure in the trailing edge more optimally and securely, providing dynamic and intuitive manoeuvrability, better handling and greater control and precision.

Its performance in thermals pushes the bar even higher – the wing hooks in and climbs with an ease that will delight the most demanding pilots. This incredible performance is matched with unparalleled comfort, thanks to the application of the RAM Air Intake technology which ensures optimal maintenance of internal wing pressure, excellent handling and stability at all times and providing the wing with an incredible capacity of damping to reduce sudden canopy movements. In addition, the internal structure has benefited from the inclusion of RSD technology, with individual diagonal panels arranged in radial form, which reduce inertia and deformation.

In the leading edge we use SLE technology, a new structure that gives greater rigidity without compromising the flexibility of the lateral and transverse axes, allowing you to fly at high speeds with high efficiency, stability andminimising deformations. As for the acceleration, the new speed-bar locking system allows the same travel with less effort. It is much more direct and comfortable for the pilot and achieves a smoother flight with a constant speed.

The durability is based on years of research, with the aim of using the most optimal materials for the wing. Its hybrid design with 38gr / m² cloth used for the upper surface and 32gr / m² cloth for the under surface allows a perfect balance between lightness, durability and performance. Thanks to the use of our Nitinol rods, the wing is lighter and also avoids deformations. The profile is taut at all times, without creases or wrinkles, and fully optimised for all flight phases. With 3DL technology we reinforce the longitudinal axis of the wing with extra stitching. Thanks to this reinforced seam at the leading edge, we obtain more consistency and volume in the profile, with a more efficient 3D contour.

In conclusion, the Artik 5 is a wing unique to its category. Compact and agile, it has been designed to revolutionise cross-country flying as we know it. A wing to travel kilometres and kilometres, offering you the best features and unparalleled comfort to experience unforgettable journeys. Designed for non-stop adventure.

*Optional Extra-Light configuration (-250g)
+Risers: Kevlar/Dyneema 12mm
+IKS 1000
+IKS 3000




Radial Sliced Diagonal

RSD (Radial Sliced Diagonal) technology is a reinvention of the wing’s internal structure. This new design is based on individual diagonal panels arranged in radial form, which increase the efficiency of the internal structure considerably.


3D Leading Edge

Durch eine zusätzliche Naht im vorderen Flügelbereich ist eine bessere Formung des Profils möglich und es ergibt sich ein besserer Übergang zwischen den vorderen Bahnen.


3D Pattern Cut Optimization

The latest glider generation requires a new pattern design and an optimized fabric cutting process based on a 3D technology.


Drag Reduction Structure

With the Drag reduction Structure technology, the trailing edge has been reinforced with small ribs that that makes this part of the glider flatter in order to spread the pressure out evenly. It means better air-flow and less drag on this important part of the glider.


RAM Air Intake

Evolution and constant improving in all our products is the essence of the DNA of Niviuk’s R&D team. Thanks to the new technologies created over recent years, we have conceived new and more evolved and higher performing gliders. In this context the RAM Air Intake technology should be pointed out.


Structured Leading Edge

The SLE provides more rigidity and stability along the span of leading edge but also allows full flexibility along both the vertical and horizontal axis of each open cell. The SLE ensures ease of movement on the ground and high security in the air during turbulence and whilst flying at speed.


Structured Trailing Edge

The STE optimises the profile without deforming it. We can thus obtain less resistance and better performance.


Titanium Technology

Constantly innovating, we always are on the hunt, looking for the latest and best materials to helps us design optimal products. For this reason, and after an extensive evaluation of its benefits and qualities, we decided to be the firsts manufacturer to use Nitinol in our glider line.
















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Slide background


ARTIK 5     22 24 26 28
Cells Number   66 66 66 66
  Closed   14 14 14 14
  Box   31 31 31 31
Flat Area m2 22.2 24 26.3 28.8
  Span m 11.83 12.30 12.87 13.47
  Aspect Ratio   6.3 6.3 6.3 6.3
Projected Area m2 18.89 20.43 22.37 24.50
  Span m 9.59 9.98 10.43 10.92
  Aspect Ratio   4.86 4.86 4.86 4.86
Flattening   % 15 15 15 15
Chord Maximum m 2.27 2.37 2.48 2.60
  Minimum m 0.62 0.64 0.67 0.70
  average m 1.88 1.95 2.04 2.14
Lines Total meters m 257 267 275 288
  Height m 7.20 7.49 7.85 8.21
  Number   268 268 268 268
  Main   2+1/3/3 2+1/3/3 2+1/3/3 2+1/3/3
Risers Number 3/4 A+A’/B/C A+A’/B/C A+A’/B/C A+A’/B/C
  Trimmers   NO NO NO NO
Accelerator   m/m 160 160 160 160
Total weight in flight Minimum kg 60 75 90 105
  Maximum kg 80 95 110 125
Glider weight   kg 4.3 4.7 5 5.3
  Extra-light Conf. kg 4.05 4.45 4.75 5.05
Certification   EN/LTF C C C C


„Lo que más me ha gustado del Artik 5 es su amortiguación respecto al Artik 4. Es una vela que se mueve muchísimo menos cuando vuelas con térmicas severas. También destaco su rigidez en el borde de ataque, permitiéndote acelerar más con una estabilidad increíble.“

Lluís Pol

„Fácil y divertido. Transmite seguridad y confianza. Hermoso en los giros con un manejo preciso y tranquilo. Lo he provado en térmicas fuertes y débiles y maneja las dos muy bien.“

Roberta Perinetti

„Una gran sorpresa. Estamos ante una vela aún más segura, mucho más poderosa que la Artik 4 y con una ascensión en térmica simple que se realiza de forma intuitiva.“

Samuel Avenne






Artik 5

Size / Taille / Talla / Größe

Compression straps

Risers cover

Kit repair

Kargo 85

Inner bag