Die Turnpoint Kreuzkappe Incross: schnelle zuverlässige Öffnung, geringe Sinkgeschwindigkeit und äußerst Pendelfrei! Hier der Link zur Musterprüfstelle:
Die Turnpoint Kreuzkappe Incross: schnelle zuverlässige Öffnung, geringe Sinkgeschwindigkeit und äußerst Pendelfrei! Hier der Link zur Musterprüfstelle:
Kurt Eder ist mit seinem Skin Einfachsegler ein 80 km FAI Dreieck geflogen! Foto und Quelle: Turnpoint.de
LINK: http://www.xcontest.org/italia/voli/dettaglio:Targa/7.5.2015/09:41#fd=photos
Charles schreibt uns die Geschichte zu seinem Streckenrekord in Australien:
“After a few months thinking about this flight and several days waiting for it, finally I made it happen in the strangest way…
It is 10:30am and I am on tow, when suddenly the line breaks! The tow bridle and drogue are still with me, so I fly above the ground crew and drop them. With my remaining altitude I immediately fly to the lee side of a line of trees along the river to do my best to stay in the air, I get a little lift and keep chasing thermals through the cloud shadows.
After three and half hours I have covered just a 100km. The lift is weak and the wind is light. My hope for a new record before I head home starts to vanish.
But we are never finished until we touch the ground, so I keep flying with countless low saves on the way. Every time I nail a decent climb I need to be quick and glide to what I think could be the next source of lift. Most of my transitions are ending close to the ground above wild terrain with dust devils surrounding me; I have to stay focused and maintain my energy level.
Foto und Quelle: Flyozone.com